Fr. James Mallon
Fr. James is the pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. He leads our parish, working with our Parish Leadership Team.
Dn. David Viscount
Deacon - On Leave
Dn. David assists with Mass on Sundays. He is regularly involved in Alpha, outreach to the sick and infirmed, and sacramental preparation, particularly for couples discerning marriage.
Anne Marie Sime
Executive Assistant to Fr. James
Anne Marie is employed by Divine Renovation as Fr. James’ Executive Assistant, but also supports him in his work as pastor of OLG. Send her an email at
Our Staff Team
Brandon Rabideau
Director of Operations
Brandon oversees day-to-day operations while ensuring alignment with the vision and strategic goals of the parish. He is a member of the Parish Leadership Team and the Responsible Ministry Coordinator for OLG. Send him an email at
Denise Trim
Director of Projects
Denise is leading the building renewal project and plays a leadership role in property management, long-term projects, and parish finances. She is a member of the Parish Leadership Team. Send her an email at
Corinne Dixon
Director of Pastoral Care
Corinne leads the parish's pastoral care teams and coordinates the delivery of funerals, weddings, home and hospital visits and anointing of the sick with our clergy team. Send her an email at
Dave Riel
Faith Formation Coordinator
Dave leads our family faith formation, adult discipleship, and sacramental preparation programs as well as children's liturgy and youth group. Send him an email at
Ian Young
Audiovisual and Office Coordinator
Ian oversees the production of the parish's livestreams and other videos, and works the sound booth and slides for Sunday Masses. He is our in-house tech support and reception for the parish office. Send him an email at
Bryan Funcion
Outreach Coordinator
Bryan leads the parish's outreach ministries, especially at our St. Anthony's location. He also leads our hospitality team and manages the parish's social media. Send him an email at
Jims Thomas Alackel
Evangelization Coordinator
Jims leads our Alpha experience at OLG, helping people explore faith in an open environment. He also coordinates small groups and leadership development for the parish. Send him an email at