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Building for the Future

The“Building for the Future” project is based on the 2021 Options Report that approved a plan to renew the Saint Peter site at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. 


For inquiries or more information on the building renewal project, please contact our Director of Projects, Denise Trim, at

​Our buildings are not the church. We are. 


Our buildings must serve our church’s mission of making disciples, which is inherently outward focused. Our goal is not to merely renew a version of what we have now. This project is not for ourselves, this project is for others and for the next sixty years and beyond. In other words, we’re “building for the future”.​


Saint Peter Church is our primary location. It houses our office location, many ministries operate at this location, and main worship site. The buildings are in need of re-investment and updates due to age and condition of the buildings, and the amenities that are lacking. 


Update, February 2025​

  • Subdivision of Property - In November 2024 we received approval from the Archdiocese to subdivide the property at the Saint Peter site into three lots instead of two. Survey work has been completed, and an application to Halifax Regional Municipality will be submitted. 

  • Demolition of Crichton Centre - We are working on a tender for demolition of Crichton Centre; there is some preliminary work that needs to be done before the building comes down. This includes remediation of hazardous material and water line work. Our contract will require that the actual demolition work is scheduled to minimize impacts on Churchill Academy. The finished site will be graded suitably for use as parking. 

  • Approval to Proceed - In January 2025, we received approval from the Archdiocese to proceed to the design phase of the project to renew Saint Peter Church, based on the proposal as presented below, with a requirement to address living arrangements for a parish priest as we move forward. 

    • A 'Lessons Learned' meeting was arranged by the Archdiocesan Building Manager so that we could meet with those who led the project recently completed at Saint Thomas Aquinas church. 

    • The Request for Proposal document used in that project has been provided to OLG and we are working on modifying it  and incorporating what was learned from the St. Thomas Aquinas project for our purposes. We hope to be ready to go out to invited architectural/engineering firms in spring 2025. 

  • Bell Tower - A consultant has been hired (John G. Cooke & Associates) to investigate and report on the condition of the bell tower. This work will ensure that we are managing risks associated with the structure, particularly the potential for vibration from work at the corner property. Their recommendations will address immediate conditions and future modifications to the tower.


Update, July 2024​​

It is important to bear in mind that this proposal is preliminary and subject to approval. Many details are still to be worked out. 

Your feedback on these plans is most welcome.


The site currently consists of two individual lots. The proposed renewal work focuses on the church and rectory without impacting the lot with Churchill Academy and Crichton Centre on it. 


Proposed Work at a Glance

Our vision is to modernize Saint Peter Church to serve our purpose in one building (rather than the parish centre and church).


  • Event hall addition – supported by a modern kitchen and servery, to welcome people and host Alpha and other events. 

  • Blessed Sacrament chapel – to facilitate 24/7 access to adoration. This space and others will incorporate windows and statues from Saint Paul and Immaculate Conception churches. 

  • Convert rectory into offices and meeting space – currently a major need. This will provide breakout space for Alpha, Children’s liturgy, and other ministries.

  • Re-orient the worship space and create a new entry – that is accessible and convenient, improving traffic flow and parking.

  • Accessibility and efficiency upgrades – to improve accessibility throughout the building, upgrades to heating/ventilation and technology/electrical for better energy efficiency. 

  • Enhance visibility – particularly needed with development adjacent to our site. The current bell tower is condemned and must come down. 

Video and Potential Floorplans

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